Good Health Tips For You

Hidden Home Remedy for Pimples

A good home remedy for pimples focuses on the following details:
  1. The role of sugar and a high carbohydrate diet in promoting pimples
  2. The relationship between a chromium deficiency and pimples 
  3. The role of toxic blood in pimple formation
Pimples are very unsightly and painful. 

They can leave scar pits and internal scars. Now I know that Jessica Simpson and other celebrities have heavily touted Proactive solution, but I have come to know that pimples begin in the body and must be addressed by internal measures. 

Oh, I appreciate the alcohol content, which destroys surface bacteria on the skin, and that is one part of the solution. 

There is certainly nothing wrong with trying its. and the bacteria certainly has to go to speed healing. But what about the internal issues? 

Millions and millions of tetracycline antibiotic prescriptions have been written for pimples. 

And we have millions and millions of people with yellow teeth because of it. 

Not to mention antibiotic resistance. And then there are now all of the lawsuits for Accutane. 

Aside from normal hormone surges, (which are worsened by vitamin deficiencies) I think pimples are ultimately caused by:
  • Eating sugar, (or high carbohydrates) in which bacteria on the skin thrive on 

  • A deficiency of chromium, B Vitamins, minerals and other vitamins 

  • Plugged pores and toxic build up in the blood

So what is my tried and true home remedy for pimples? Here it is:
  1. First cleanse the blood with two Burdock Root capsules twice daily. Do this for at least a month. 

  2. Never go to bed with make up on. Never go to bed without washing your face. Dab on hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball immediately after cleansing. 

  3. Wash your face with tea tree oil soap icon. 

  4. Take a comprehensive multi vitamin icon that has 200 mcg. of chromium picolinate or chromium nicotinate in it 

  5. Eat one cup of sugarless yogurt, or kefir daily. Or if you cant do that, take one acidophilus capsule icon at bedtime. Keep bottle in fridge. 

  6. Keep your hands away from your face. Do not touch the pimples. Lysol your telephone and any other surface that your face touches. 

  7. Apply propolis extract in the morning to each pimple. Let dry and then apply make-up. At night, put propolis toothpaste on each pimple to dry them out and medicate them. You alternately use clear colloidal silver in the morning if you want to. 

  8. Grab anything green to eat and drink that you can get your hands on. Chlorophyll purifies and purges the blood.

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