Fruit Salad - Best Easy Fruit Salad Of All Time
I love when fruit is on sale, especially those that aren’t
in season and can be used for fruit salad.
When I saw that mangoes were 10 for 10 dollars at the grocery store,
I loaded my cart with lots of mangoes.
Andy and I always have a big basket full of fruit on our
counter and to be honest its quite rare for it to ever be empty which is odd
considering how much we both eat on a daily basis.

Given that we would both be eating our fair share at our
Easter gatherings, we figured a light breakfast would be ideal.
Not to mention this was easy to prepare and can be made a
day ahead of time to be packed in lunches for the work week.
Easy Fruit Salad
1 mango
2 banana, peeled and sliced
2 tangerines, peeled and cut into small pieces
1/2 cup blueberries
1 apple, cored and diced
1/2 tbsp. lime or lemon juice
1 tsp sugar/agave
Cut the mango in half around the stone, and then crisscross
the flesh of the mango halves with a knife into 1/2-inch squares.
Push the
diced mango flesh outwards and then slice off the squares from the skin into a
Add the rest of the fruit and toss with lime/lemon juice and
Serve immediately or refrigerator for 20 minutes for a
colder fruit salad if your picky about your fruit needing to be cold like Andy
is! :)
From my kitchen to yours, enjoy! ❤