Good Health Tips For You

Eczema - How Can You Identify If Your Child Has Eczema?

By and large the later eczema first makes an appearance, the more likely it is persist, but even children who develop it for the first time at five years old have a 50:50 chance of recovering within the next five years. 

However, there are no heard and fast rules, so try to keep an open mind and deal with your children's eczema as and when it affects him or her. 

Image Source: FabHow

The following symptoms can suggest that a child has eczema:

For most children with eczema and for their parents this is by far worst aspect of the condition because it can be so distressing. It also leads to scratching or rubbing in the case of babies and this in turn can lead to further rawness, soreness and infection.

This is caused by extra blood flowing through the blood vessels in the skin in the area affected by eczema. 

Look out for redness on the forehead and wrists and at the site where the ear lobes join the face.

A bubbly, grainy appearance
This is caused by tiny fluid filled blisters know as vesicles which appear grainy under the skin.

This happens when blisters burst, either by themselves or as a result of scratching, and the fluid oozes out on the surface of the skin.

Cracking and crusting
When it becomes hot, dry eczematous skin often cracks open and fluid seeps out and dried to form scabs.

Dryness and scariness
The dry, scaly skin of eczema may be result of the disease, but it may also be the natural skin type of your family, which in some cases can make the development of eczema more likely.

Place patches of the skin may occur because eczema disturbs the production of pigment which controls skin color. 

This effect does fade and disappear.

Scratching leads to the development of scaly, leathery, thickened skin on which scratch marks may be visible. 

This too fades and disappears.

Keratosis pilaris
This is a condition in which the hair follicles become blocked with tiny plugs of keratin, the tough protein that makes up hair nails, causing rough bumps on the surface of the skin, especially on the upper arms.

If you notice any above, take your child to the doctor so that you can get proper diagnosis and advice on the most appropriate way of managing the condition.

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