Good Health Tips For You

Home Remedy for Cough And How To Prepare It

A good effective home remedy for cough focuses on assisting the body's natural process of expelling the excess mucous and phlegm that has been manufactured to trap and engulf pathogens and/or offending substances. 

In earlier times, settlers would drink herbal horehound tea and also make tea from the bark and leaves of the white birch tree. 

Authentic horehound lozenges are still sold today (mainly in Europe) but are difficult to find
in the U.S.

They are effective and much better than chemical lozenges that actually disrupt the body's normal processes.

The trouble with Horehound is finding it in a sugar free form.

Horehound does not taste good and for this reason I have had people say that they could not drink it without putting a lot of sugar in it.

When I found that out, I could not recommend it anymore.

I am still searching for sugar free Horehound lozenges and when I locate a brand that I can trust I will let you know about it. 

Home Remedy for Cough / Use an Herbal Expectorant

Also, a company called Naturade has been making an Herbal Expectorant Cough syrup that contains guaifenesin (white birch extract) and flavored horehound extract that they have been making since 1926. 

White birch extract could not be patented, so pharmaceutical companies copied it chemically and they tell us that their copy is better for us. 

But I generally do not trust counterfeits, especially when the real thing exists to serve us.

What if profits were not ahead of people? What then? 

Home Remedy for Cough / Use a Humidifier

Another thing that I found to be very important is to run a humidifier at night if you have a cough. 

The slight moisture in the air seems to gently coat ticklish air passages. Always be sure to disinfect a humidifier with a bottle of inexpensive hydrogen peroxide, unless the manufacturer directs you otherwise, prior to using. 

Quite a few nasty pathogens like to take up residence in a moist, warm humidifier. 

The last thing you need is to breathe in mold and bacteria that has been growing in the humidifier. 

Once disinfected, use only pure distilled water and several drops of solvent free Eucalyptus , or Lavender  oil drops in the water.

Some people like the smell to be very strong and others prefer it to be very light in the air.

Adjust it to your preference.

Peppermint smells nice, but I look for stronger anti-ineffective measures.

I want to assist the body by making the air inhospitable to the growth of the bacteria or virus.

Both eucalyptus and lavender are antiseptic in nature, with eucalyptus acting more strongly to open up clogged breathing passages. 

In medieval times, bunches of dried sage were hung on the bedposts to disinfect the air around the bed.

Sage tea was a regular medicinal tea, but I do not like the taste.

Honey makes it a little better. I do not mind breathing a hot pot of sage vapors though. That's very soothing to your throat. 

I lean toward natural disinfectants, especially when the air may be filled with infected moisture particles that keep re-infecting the person, making the job of getting well even harder.

Everyone has to breathe to live! Keep an aromatherapy pot going near your bed with lavender oil being diffused in a little almond oil, or natural canola oil to disinfect the air in your room.

Home Remedy for Cough / Do Not Re-Infect Yourself

Make sure you follow the same rule as I tell people who are blowing their nose at the onset of a cold: use only disposable napkins and throw each one away as soon as you use it. 

Do not re-infect yourself, or anyone else for that matter. 

And change your pillowcase everyday while you have a cough, or bronchitis. 

If you haven't killed the dust mites in your pillow lately, put the dry pillow in the clothes dryer for thirty minutes on high heat. 

Heat kills the dust mites and your certainly do not need to be breathing their filthy dropping while your lungs are already weak!

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